
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Friendship Quotas by Race?

Friendship Quotas by Race?

I was watching the TV show "The New Normal" in the episode one of the issues (because it specializes in multiple drama issues) was how we seem to get stuck in a rut when it comes to who our friends are. In this episode the problem was that the white liberal gay couple did not actually have any black friends.
Honestly I don't have any either. It took me a little while to figure out that I didn't , I tend to not really store race information, I recently lost a bet with my son about the fact that our P.A. at the Dr.s' office was a black , my son bet me I could not describe what she looked like...I could not even get her race....I do have a niece that I have only met once who is black (in all fairness I don't control that), I also have Mexican nieces and nephews, cousins, even a cousin who adopted a Chinese boy about a year ago. (Yes they were expecting a girl, and yes it was a surprise.) so it is not like my family is a bunch of white supremacist. I just don't seem to have any black friends.
In all fairness I don't actually have that many people that I call friend. I am a bit of an isolationist when it comes to my own peer group. I don't enjoy the drama, manipulation and often one sided effort that goes into friendship building. The friends I do have I have had for years granted some of them live on the other side of the country and many in other states, because as we have grown up and or just older our lives have moved us around.
It is not that I have not "ever" had black friends, It just seems that they don't "stick". My children have black friends, and they are always at our house, I have met their parents but they don't seem overly fond of the idea of becoming friends with or socializing with their children's friends parents... or that could just be that I am not the kind of person people really want to socialize with.
Perhaps my real issue is not that I don't have any black friends, or the fact that I don't really seem to have all that many friends, it is the fact that I refuse to compromise on the value of friendship. I don't want a friend just because society tells me I am not a good person just because I don't have a black friend, I also don't have a compost pile... it has just never been something that the timing has been right on.
I would welcome a new friend in my life, I don't care if they are black, Asian, Mexican, Middle Eastern or Native American... I only really have one quality I just can not back off on when it comes to a friend, integrity.
I don't solve my friends problems, I don't lend money (I also don't borrow) and I don't even want to hear about all of the drama, but a little silly gossip is okay. That maybe why I don't have all that many friends, but the few friends I do have are rather good ones.
So maybe I don't have a black friend, I do have black acquaintances. People I know by name and who know me by name, people who I talk to on a regular basis when I see them in the store or out on the street, parents of my children's friends and co-workers. Some people would call these people my friends, I just see a difference between acquaintance and friend, co-worker and I wrong?
So in all honesty pull out your friend book in your head, set aside the acquaintances and just place your real friends how many friends do you have that are outside your race? If your black how many white friends do you have that you would really call friend? Mexicans how many Asians? Just mix it up and see where you stand.
Perhaps it is more than a quota of friends we should worry about and more about learning to explain our differences and enjoying those differences to each other, rather than taking offense when someone does not already know. I am not going to run out and force myself on black people to make a new friend just so I have the proper quota of black friends, but if someone that I mesh with well who happens to be black comes along, by all mean I will up my quota, but I have not consciously picked my friends by their race up to this point I won't start consciously doing it now. I think that would be rather racist... don't you?

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