
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lifes Been Hectic and I Forgot the Blog

It is over a year from my last blog entry!

The time from my last blog entry has been rather extreme, I have been busy with my family, and school. We have had a rather busy year this last year or how ever long.
We have had all the usual occurrences of birthdays and anniversaries, we have had a milestone or two

My youngest turned 16!
My grandson is growing ...

thrown in just to keep things interesting.
My son has completed his first year of college. My youngest her first year of high school. My oldest has gotten married. My grand children are talking on the phone now.
My granddaughter is growing...
Evidently the oldest one is even potty training????
My oldest finally tied the knot!
Yeah not really my cup of tea any more either... I guess when my kids were little I probably talked about potty training with my mother... I am hoping I did not make her wish she had not called! I realize that it is an important milestone and all but honestly all I remember about it was that we finally just striped the boy down and said the toilet is that way run for it when you see pee! The youngest just trained herself! The oldest came trained when we got her at 12 so... never an issue with these silly pull ups and things seems like if a kid never gets uncomfortable they have no reason to get potty trained... but that is just my opinion and I am old school now... as I have been informed.

My youngest is 16 now she is learning to drive... I am not sure how cool I am with this. I have taught all of the kids to drive... the boy hates driving and he rarely drives so I have not had to worry very much. This one oh no this one wants to drive... I AM TERRIFIED! I will write more to up
date more soon, no plans to leave it for another year... but my ADD could rear its head... hmm hope not tho!


  1. wow....k. Potty training is what my life is about right now, sorry it's not interesting. Will keep it to myself? :/

    Can't believe the kids are getting so big, makes me feel old.

  2. LOL you can talk about the potty if you want I just don't have any real advice... I have blocked it out! LOL
