
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How can he be so grown?

My son Ty will be graduation from high school in a matter of days. It just boggles my mind to realize that that tiny little guy is now a big strapping young man. He is free to make his life what ever he chooses now, I don't get to tell him what to do any more. I know I have so much left to teach him and he is a long ways a way from being "on his own" but now he is a man. He has to act and do things as a man, he can no longer just be my baby boy. I am so very excited for him, I know he has the ability to do great things, and I am so very very sad, because my baby is a baby no more.

Learning to let him go is going to be the hardest thing I will ever do.

He received his awards (actor of the year and Thespian of the year), attended his formal dances and tested all of his test.  All that is left is for him to walk across the stage in his cap and gown... sigh. I miss the little guy who used to crawl into my bed for stories and tickles.

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